Contact Reach out to Birgitta with questions or to make an order Do you have any questions? Do not hesitate to reach out. I work with clients throughout Sweden – and many parts of the world. See picture below. Phone:+46 (0) 708-215 675 I’m out of office until Wednesday 17/4. I will answer your email as soon as I’m back. Visit my LinkedIn profile Pick service Pick service *1 resume1 cover letter1 LinkedIn profile1 resume + 1 cover letter1 resume + 1 LinkedIn profile1 Consultant resume1 Consultant resume + 1 LinkedIn profile1 Consultant resume + 1 "regular resume"1 LinkedIn profile + 60 minutes 1:1 how to best use LinkedInOther - you put together your own combination of resume, LinkedIn, Consultant resume and letterOther question Name (first- and lastname) Phone Email Linkedin "URL" (copy and paste the link you find under the profile photo, when you click on "contact info") Upload your resume File InputChoose FilesNo Files ChosenAccepted file types: jpg, jpeg, jpe, png, txt, asc, c, cc, h, srt, js, tar, xcf, mpp, key, numbers. Max. file size: 1 MB Message Send now