About Birgitta
About CV-Hjälpen, Birgitta Möller and her certifications, international publications and press & media

Why I became a professional resume expert
Five weeks before I was due to return from my parental leave, my boss called and told me that I would be laid off due to a lack of work.
Even though I had made it through two different rounds of layoffs where it sometimes felt like ’the whole sea is storming’, losing my job was a shock. As a relatively new parent, how would I get a new job?
I applied for and got a job as a consultant at a global telecom company with an office in Copenhagen. Although I had a great time, a few years later I chose to look for a new job in Sweden instead. This time at a global company in Lund. After a few years, I applied to a small Swedish start-up company.
We moved into completely newly renovated premises and worked there for 3 weeks before the owners shut down the company. Suddenly I had no job. Again. What should I do this time?
Over the years, colleagues and friends had asked me to help them review their applications. That’s how I got the idea to start working as a professional CV expert.
Why not take advantage of my experience of having changed careers, written many applications and helped others with their applications?
My very first CV client was called for an interview, there were over 500 applicants for the one position. My second client got a job with the help of the CV and cover letter I wrote for this person.
It has now been 13+ years since I started my company CVhjälpen. Today I have written 1000+ CVs and a total of aboout 2,000 resumes (CVs), Linkedin profiles, consultant CVs and cover letters. I work with clients both in Sweden and around the world. It might sound like a cliché, but it’s great fun to be able to make a difference in people’s lives every week.
I have also had recurring assignments where I helped both large global companies with consulting CVs to be included in various tenders, as well as smaller consulting companies to win assignments.
Before I started my own company, I had worked in smaller former startups, mid-size Swedish companies and large global companies. I am used to having daily contact with colleagues in China, USA, Finland, Denmark, and many other countries. In addition, I have also spent almost 5 years abroad, in Canada, Denmark, USA, and Australia.
Today, I have the whole world as my field of work and get to work with what I do best; write professional resumes, Linkedin profiles, consulting resumes and cover letters that ”stand out” in both Swedish and English to my clients.
Why hire Birgitta Möller?
- I am a certified CV writer – basic certification and master certification. This means that I have undergone a very demanding training with many sub-exams. I am a specialist in CV strategies, format and layout, customer positioning. I know how to build a personal brand, and how to write LinkedIn profiles.
Being certified means that the content I write and the layout I decide on for each application letter, consultant CV, LinkedIn profile, and CV is individual. I do not use templates.
- In January 2015, I became the 1st European ACRW – the industry’s premier certification. I’m Sweden’s only certified CV expert.
- In June 2024, I became Master certified (MRW) for the 3rd time since 2017. Today, I am one of only 34 MRWs worldwide, and still the only MRW outside of N. America. To maintain the MRW, it must be renewed periodically.
- Examples of what I do have been selected for 9 years running (each time I submitted a contribution). The samples are included in international career books and trainings organized by the world’s leading resume writing and certification organization.
- By being an associate member of an international think tank in the career field – the now and next – and attending an international career symposium annually, I keep up to date with trends within my field of expertise.
- All documents I write in English are proofed by a professional native English proofreader who specializes in proofreading CVs and LinkedIn profiles. This person is also hired by several of my English-speaking colleagues.
Are you ready to get started?

Certifications & international publications
Branding Strategist
In September 2024, I finished this certification. The Personal Branding Strategist methodology is used by hundreds of leading global brands, educational institutions, and 20% of the Fortune 100. It was developed by personal branding pioneer William Arruda (In March 2019, I met him at a career conference in San Diego). He is credited with turning the concept of personal branding into a global industry.
Our class was taught by Susan Chritton, author of Personal Branding for Dummies – the #1 Personal Branding book on Amazon for years.
Master Resume Writer
In May 2024, my master’s certification (MRW) was renewed for the third time. I am the only person outside North America with this certification.
Participating in new global education
September 2023. For the 10th time, the organization RWA – Resume Writing Academy, which trains CV experts globally (”training world-class writers globally”) wanted to include examples of my work in one of their courses.
6th book I’m selected for
I am proud to have my work included in both the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd editions of this international career book published by resume industry leaders Louise Kursmark and Wendy Enelow.
“We’ve chosen your work to feature in MODERNIZE YOUR RESUME, 3rd edition, which is hot off the press and ready for distribution.”
“It is ALWAYS our pleasure to publish your work, Birgitta!” Wendy Enelow on LinkedIn, January 2023
Almost 50 professional resume writers ”at the top of their game” are represented in this new book, and I’m one of the lucky two resume writers with four samples selected for the 3rd edition.
Book for GenZ
In the Spring of 2023, a sample of my work will be included in a new international career book focusing on writing resumes for recent graduates and GenZ. I’m very proud to be one of the certified resume writers that were selected in very stiff competition by resume industry pioneers.
“It is a comprehensive, yet concise, guide to every step of the job-search process for new grads, from finding a focus and developing resume/letters/LinkedIn to conducting a job search and acing every interview.”
Master in Resumes
In June 2017, I achieved my second CV certification – MRW – Master Resume Writer. I am now one of only 20 people worldwide to hold this prestigious title, and the sole MRW in Europe. To obtain this certification, I had to meet the following requirements: a minimum of 5 years as a professional CV expert, submission of a portfolio containing 5 client documents (CVs + letters) that were reviewed by an evaluation committee based on predetermined criteria, explanation of tactics/strategy and layout for each submitted CV/letter, and demonstration of the transformation of clients’ CVs/letters before and after my assistance. At CVHjälpen, I am committed to providing expert CV writing services that have been recognised and validated by the MRW certification.
1st in Europa
I earned my first certification on January 8th, 2015, and became the first European ACRW-certified resume (CV) writer. I completed a rigorous training program – a minimum of 80%/test is required to pass 16 tests.
Having completed this high-level certification means I have joined a group of about 100 ACRWs worldwide.
After the certification, I was hand-selected for an exclusive Guild of Resume Writers, working with top executives worldwide.
Selected for new book
In December 2015, my work (100% of my submissions) were selected for a new career book* by resume industry leaders.
I was very proud to have my work included with 54 professional resume writers ”at the top of their game” in this new book by resume industry leaders (December 2015).
This book includes 80+ resume samples, and out of the 54 contributors, I belong to the 24.5% of CV experts that had 2 submissions selected.
Career book 2nd edition
”Birgitta – It is always a please to showcase your excellent work!” Louise Kursmark, November 2018.
I am proud to have my work included in both the 1st and 2nd editions of the book by resume industry leaders Louise Kursmark and Wendy Enelow.
The 2nd edition includes 90+ resume samples and three of those samples are mine. More than 400 resumes were submitted, by certified resume writers, for the 1st edition (80 were selected), and 100+ were submitted for the 2nd edition (≈10 were selected).
Grads & Young professionals
In November 2022, 4 samples of my work was selected for international training. Only certified writers are asked to submit.
Selected for new book
In the Spring of 2020, sample(s) of my work will be included in a new international career book focusing on writing resumes for managers and executives. I’m proud to have been selected three times out of three tries (three books) in very stiff competition by resume industry pioneers/legends.
I am the only one in Sweden that writes your CV / resume in Swedish or English.
CV for 50+
In September 2018, four of my submitted samples (=100%) of my work were selected for this global training course.
Press & media

In November 2024, the Nordic region’s most prominent business magazine, Dagens Industri (640,000 readers, print and online), once again called me. This time, they wanted to know if I could give job seekers tips on using AI to their advantage.
I am one of three experts interviewed for this article

Dagens Industri
In July 2024, the Nordic region’s largest business magazine, Dagens Industri (640,000 readers, print and online), published two series (Career Restart/Omstart i karriären and Startup School) aiming to inspire and give concrete advice to those who are approaching a crossroads or are already at the starting blocks ready to try something new.
I am one of the interviewed experts in the ”Career Restart” series and interviewed for the “How do you get the employer hooked when restarting your career” article.
Link to the article where I am one of the experts: https://www.di.se/nyheter/experterna-tipsar-sa-far-du-arbetsgivaren-pa-kroken/

Major newspaper
Sunday, Sep 3rd (2023), I was interviewed along with a few other career experts in one of Sweden’s largest and most influential newspapers (pages 26-27).
Here is a link to the spread: https://www.dn.se/ekonomi/experterna-tipsar-sa-far-du-dromjobbet-har-ar-missarna-att-undvika/

CEO Magazine
In February 2023, I was interviewed on best-practice for CEOs when writing resumes (CVs). Link here: https://vdtidningen.se/sa-ska-ett-vd-cv-se-ut/

White collar magazine
Kollega, issue 1/2023 contains the article where I talk about how to write the “perfect” CV/resume. Kollega’s circulation is 700.000 (white collar members).
Link to e-magazine here (pages 44-45): https://www.e-magin.se/latestpaper/qc875sqt/paper/1#/paper/sqj0882x/1
Here’s a link to just the article in digital format: https://kollega.se/soka-jobb/hur-skriver-man-ett-bra-cv

Life style magazine
In July 2019, the monthly lifestyle magazine featured a 3-page interview with me on maximizing your resume.

Swedish public radio
June 10, 2019, I was invited by Swedish public radio (P4 Extra) to talk about do’s and don’ts when it comes to resume writing.

Swedish public radio
February 14, 2019, I was invited by Swedish public radio (P4 Radio Malmöhus) to talk about how to write resumes that set you apart.

Nationwide paper
Thursday, Nov 8, 2018, I focused on how the junior workforce (15+) should write their very first cover letter. What to include and what not to include.

Business magazine
In October, business magazine Veckans Affärer (issued Oct 1st, 2015) interviewed me. I advise on best practices for resume and LinkedIn writing, pages 60 + 62.

Executive magazine
Bi-monthly business magazine ”Chef” (Executive/Manager), issued August 25, 2015 (#8), interviewed me on how to write a successful cover letter.
Click the image to read the article, of click this link to read the digital version.

National daily paper
Sunday, March 22nd, 2015, the daily national paper SvD published an article – my career advice, ”Bygg upp ett cv-skafferi” where I advised on resume writing.

Executive magazine
Friday, February 20th, 2015 (#2) Business magazine Chef interviewed me on how to use LinkedIn.

National newspaper
Sunday, February 2nd, 2015, I was featured on the cover of the daily national newspaper Sydsvenskan’s Lund edition.